segunda-feira, 12 de agosto de 2013

All by my own.

"How would my week be different without my cellphone?"

As a work for our English class, our teacher propouse us to reflect about this topic.
It's more than clear cellphones have reformulated the way people interact with each other. It is our closest gadget and our first door to conectivity. So how their loss would affect us? There are those who argue that they would rather die than spending a day without their cellphones, so we had to figure out how it would be our "ancient" week. Here comes our reflections:

I would probably start seeing things that in the ordinary rotine are ignored. But if we look back in days of the past, it wasn't that weird, the experience of not having a cellphone. Maybe those little diferences are what made our childhood, and for some, a holy untouchable period of time.
                                                            - Kauwba

I just got back from a exchange experience that much relates to this topic. I was in Berlin (and in the beginning) without knowing how to speak German and without knowing anyone except my family there. They gave me an old cellphone that I barely used in the first couple of months. It was a weird experience, having a cellphone but no one to call. If that happened here now I would probably seize the time I have with my friends at school. Information and organization would worth more, and maybe, I'd become more focus while studing at home.
                                                           - Nick

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